Step 1
Download the required linux package from I have download the version of nagvis 1.8.5.
Step 2
move the package to required location i have put that in /opt and extract the package with below command.
tar -xvzf nagvis-1.8.5.tar.gz
cd nagvis-1.8.5
step 3
make sure all the required packages are all installed. Below i have mentioned the packages.
apache mode_php
graphviz dot
graphviz neato
graphviz twopi
graphviz circo
graphviz fdp
SQlite 3.7
Step 4
Install the package with very simple command
| Welcome to NagVis Installer 1.8.5 |
| This script is built to facilitate the NagVis installation and update |
| procedure for you. The installer has been tested on the following systems: |
| - Debian, since Etch (4.0) |
| - Ubuntu, since Hardy (8.04) |
| - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11 |
| |
| Similar distributions to the ones mentioned above should work as well. |
| That (hopefully) includes RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, OpenSuSE |
| |
| If you experience any problems using these or other distributions, please |
| report that to the NagVis team. |
| Do you want to proceed? [y]:
| Starting installation of NagVis 1.8.5 |
| |
+--- Checking for tools -------------------------------------------------------+
| Using packet manager /usr/bin/rpm found |
| |
+--- Checking paths -----------------------------------------------------------+
| Please enter the path to the nagios base directory [/usr/local/nagios]:
| nagios path /usr/local/nagios found |
| Please enter the path to NagVis base [/usr/local/nagvis]:
| |
+--- Checking prerequisites ---------------------------------------------------+
| PHP 5.4 found |
| PHP Module: gd php found |
| PHP Module: mbstring php found |
| PHP Module: gettext compiled_in found |
| PHP Module: session compiled_in found |
| PHP Module: xml php found |
| PHP Module: pdo php found |
| Apache mod_php found |
| Do you want to update the backend configuration? [n]: | Graphviz 2.30 found |
| Graphviz Module dot 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module neato 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module twopi 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module circo 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module fdp 2.30.1 found |
| SQLite 3.7 found |
| |
+--- Trying to detect Apache settings -----------------------------------------+
| Please enter the web path to NagVis [/nagvis]:
| Please enter the name of the web-server user [apache]:
| Please enter the name of the web-server group [apache]:
| create Apache config file [y]:
| |
+--- Checking for existing NagVis ---------------------------------------------+
| NagVis UNKNOWN found |
| Do you want the installer to update your config files when possible? [y]:
| Remove backup directory after successful installation? [n]:
| |
| Summary |
| NagVis home will be: /usr/local/nagvis |
| Owner of NagVis files will be: apache |
| Group of NagVis files will be: apache |
| Path to Apache config dir is: /etc/httpd/conf.d |
| Apache config will be created: yes |
| |
| Installation mode: update |
| Old version: UNKNOWN |
| New version: 1.8.5 |
| Backup directory: /usr/local/nagvis.old-2016-08-06_02:52:02 |
| |
| Note: The current NagVis directory will be moved to the backup directory. |
| The backup directory will be NOT removed after successful installation |
| |
| You have to move your custom files manually from backup directory. |
| |
| Do you really want to continue? [y]:
| Starting installation |
| Moving old NagVis to /usr/local/nagvis.old-2016-08-06_02:52:02.. done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/cache... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/compile... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/share/var... done |
| Copying files to /usr/local/nagvis... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/etc/profiles... done |
| Creating main configuration file... done |
| Adding webserver group to file_group... done |
| Creating web configuration file... done |
| Setting permissions for web configuration file... done |
| |
| |
| |
+--- Setting permissions... ---------------------------------------------------+
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/nagvis.ini.php-sample done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/maps done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/maps/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/geomap done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/geomap/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/profiles done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/maps done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/maps/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/shapes done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/shapes/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/cache done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/compile done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/var done |
| |
| Installation complete |
| |
| You can safely remove this source directory. |
| |
| For later update/upgrade you may use this command to have a faster update: |
| ./ -n /usr/local/nagios -p /usr/local/nagvis -u apache -g apache -w /etc/httpd/conf.d -a y
| |
| 1.4 to 1.6x upgrade: The map permissions have ben reset. Old permissions |
| have been backed up in nagvis/etc/auth-backup file. You need to migrate |
| these permissions manually using using the new user/role management GUI. |
| |
| What to do next? |
| - Read the documentation |
| - Maybe you want to edit the main configuration file? |
| Its location is: /usr/local/nagvis/etc/nagvis.ini.php |
| - Configure NagVis via browser |
| <http://localhost/nagvis/config.php> |
| - Initial admin credentials: |
| Username: admin |
| Password: admin |
Step 5
Restart the httpd service with
service httpd restart
then open the url with hostname or IP address like http://192.168.XX.XX/nagvis
it will open but some times it will gives you access denied issue on /ngavis.
if that so you have to follow the changes in nagvis configuration file.
goto /etc/httpd/conf.d
edit the nagvis.conf file with your favorite editor. It will like below.
Alias /nagvis "/usr/local/nagvis/share"
<Directory "/usr/local/nagvis/share">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Download the required linux package from I have download the version of nagvis 1.8.5.
Step 2
move the package to required location i have put that in /opt and extract the package with below command.
tar -xvzf nagvis-1.8.5.tar.gz
cd nagvis-1.8.5
step 3
make sure all the required packages are all installed. Below i have mentioned the packages.
apache mode_php
graphviz dot
graphviz neato
graphviz twopi
graphviz circo
graphviz fdp
SQlite 3.7
Step 4
Install the package with very simple command
| Welcome to NagVis Installer 1.8.5 |
| This script is built to facilitate the NagVis installation and update |
| procedure for you. The installer has been tested on the following systems: |
| - Debian, since Etch (4.0) |
| - Ubuntu, since Hardy (8.04) |
| - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11 |
| |
| Similar distributions to the ones mentioned above should work as well. |
| That (hopefully) includes RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, OpenSuSE |
| |
| If you experience any problems using these or other distributions, please |
| report that to the NagVis team. |
| Do you want to proceed? [y]:
| Starting installation of NagVis 1.8.5 |
| |
+--- Checking for tools -------------------------------------------------------+
| Using packet manager /usr/bin/rpm found |
| |
+--- Checking paths -----------------------------------------------------------+
| Please enter the path to the nagios base directory [/usr/local/nagios]:
| nagios path /usr/local/nagios found |
| Please enter the path to NagVis base [/usr/local/nagvis]:
| |
+--- Checking prerequisites ---------------------------------------------------+
| PHP 5.4 found |
| PHP Module: gd php found |
| PHP Module: mbstring php found |
| PHP Module: gettext compiled_in found |
| PHP Module: session compiled_in found |
| PHP Module: xml php found |
| PHP Module: pdo php found |
| Apache mod_php found |
| Do you want to update the backend configuration? [n]: | Graphviz 2.30 found |
| Graphviz Module dot 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module neato 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module twopi 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module circo 2.30.1 found |
| Graphviz Module fdp 2.30.1 found |
| SQLite 3.7 found |
| |
+--- Trying to detect Apache settings -----------------------------------------+
| Please enter the web path to NagVis [/nagvis]:
| Please enter the name of the web-server user [apache]:
| Please enter the name of the web-server group [apache]:
| create Apache config file [y]:
| |
+--- Checking for existing NagVis ---------------------------------------------+
| NagVis UNKNOWN found |
| Do you want the installer to update your config files when possible? [y]:
| Remove backup directory after successful installation? [n]:
| |
| Summary |
| NagVis home will be: /usr/local/nagvis |
| Owner of NagVis files will be: apache |
| Group of NagVis files will be: apache |
| Path to Apache config dir is: /etc/httpd/conf.d |
| Apache config will be created: yes |
| |
| Installation mode: update |
| Old version: UNKNOWN |
| New version: 1.8.5 |
| Backup directory: /usr/local/nagvis.old-2016-08-06_02:52:02 |
| |
| Note: The current NagVis directory will be moved to the backup directory. |
| The backup directory will be NOT removed after successful installation |
| |
| You have to move your custom files manually from backup directory. |
| |
| Do you really want to continue? [y]:
| Starting installation |
| Moving old NagVis to /usr/local/nagvis.old-2016-08-06_02:52:02.. done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/cache... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/compile... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/share/var... done |
| Copying files to /usr/local/nagvis... done |
| Creating directory /usr/local/nagvis/etc/profiles... done |
| Creating main configuration file... done |
| Adding webserver group to file_group... done |
| Creating web configuration file... done |
| Setting permissions for web configuration file... done |
| |
| |
| |
+--- Setting permissions... ---------------------------------------------------+
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/nagvis.ini.php-sample done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/maps done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/maps/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/geomap done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/geomap/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/etc/profiles done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/maps done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/maps/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/shapes done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/userfiles/images/shapes/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/* done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/cache done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/var/tmpl/compile done |
| /usr/local/nagvis/share/var done |
| |
| Installation complete |
| |
| You can safely remove this source directory. |
| |
| For later update/upgrade you may use this command to have a faster update: |
| ./ -n /usr/local/nagios -p /usr/local/nagvis -u apache -g apache -w /etc/httpd/conf.d -a y
| |
| 1.4 to 1.6x upgrade: The map permissions have ben reset. Old permissions |
| have been backed up in nagvis/etc/auth-backup file. You need to migrate |
| these permissions manually using using the new user/role management GUI. |
| |
| What to do next? |
| - Read the documentation |
| - Maybe you want to edit the main configuration file? |
| Its location is: /usr/local/nagvis/etc/nagvis.ini.php |
| - Configure NagVis via browser |
| <http://localhost/nagvis/config.php> |
| - Initial admin credentials: |
| Username: admin |
| Password: admin |
Restart the httpd service with
service httpd restart
then open the url with hostname or IP address like http://192.168.XX.XX/nagvis
it will open but some times it will gives you access denied issue on /ngavis.
if that so you have to follow the changes in nagvis configuration file.
goto /etc/httpd/conf.d
edit the nagvis.conf file with your favorite editor. It will like below.
Alias /nagvis "/usr/local/nagvis/share"
<Directory "/usr/local/nagvis/share">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
just uncommand the AllowOverride None and add the Require all granted like below
Alias /nagvis "/usr/local/nagvis/share"
<Directory "/usr/local/nagvis/share">
Options FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Now restart the httpd service it will work fine.
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